Thursday, June 28, 2012

Men and Babies

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Photographer Mommy

In the world of Mommy Blogging I have two blogs, this one and my more personal blog (Through the Lens of motherhood). My other blog is on the way to being one of the top 25 for photographer Moms. I would love for you to check it out, deem it worthy and then vote! :) Thanks! L

Friday, June 22, 2012

That field...

Every June for the past 6 years I have passed this field on the way North for holiday. Back before kids, before marriage, just after returning from my years in Europe. I pass it a number of times each year, and either I am too busy, or I don't have my camera. Whatever the reason, this is the first year that I actually had the time and the camera at the same place together. It was worth the wait. The colours, the shadows, I love this field! The temptation to put the camera down and run through this field... well let's just say it was hard to resist but in the end I decided that it would be better to leave that field untouched for the next photographer that happens along.

The window

There is something so whimsical and dreamy about a child and a window. They stare out a window and you can almost imagine them staring into the future, or wishing for something more than what they have right now, or as is the case in some of these shots, they are simply enjoying the reflection they are creating. Windows, mirrors, or maybe even a lens can be some of the most whimsical things we have in the world.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

on being published...

There is something really exciting about opening a magazine and seeing one of your images on the shiny pages staring back at you... I have had a number of images printed but I have always know it would happen ahead of time so the thrill is not quite the same (though still fun). A few weeks ago my Dad handed me a magazine and there, staring back at me was one of my photos! I would think that the thrill is akin to being a musician and one day hearing your songs on the radio... Always exhilarating!

Some travel shots

Portrait of a rockstar turned paintball enthusiast

Sometimes the best portraits are caught without trying... but simply taking part of a moment and then capturing it. This particular one was right before an outdoor paintball game...

Frankie of Frankie Whyte and the Dead Idols